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Web Rangers SA’s training workshops started on a high note on 12 May 2018 at McAuley House Johannesburg. The digital literacy programme implemented by Media Monitoring Africa and supported by various partners aims to empower young people to gain critical skills and knowledge around online safety.

This year Web Rangers has recruited a total of 200 young people from various schools in Gauteng and will also pilot the programme in Cape Town by recruiting 50 pupils from the I-CAN Centre – a public access facility in the city.

According to the Web Rangers coordinator Phakamile Khumalo, the theme for this year is centred on using the internet to create a better South Africa. “Being a Web Ranger ambassador is not only about being informed about online safety. We hope the Web Rangers will continue to work towards a national call to action to ensure that young people take charge of their knowledge and extend it to other young people so they too can realise the potential of the internet when used responsibly.”

Following the training workshops, the group will use their new skills and knowledge to create innovative campaigns that promote safe internet usage and champion their rights in the digital world.  The programme has partnered with the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Google SA, Facebook, the Film Publication Board (FPB), MTN, PPM Attorneys and Digital You.

The first training workshop educated 130 pupils (between the ages of 13 to 17) from the Johannesburg group as part of a series of workshops to follow in the coming weeks. The group learnt about the benefits of the internet as well as protection from cyber-ills such as sexting, online grooming, cyber bulling etc.

“Parents need to think about their child’s safety online as well as offline” said the McCauley House Web Rangers team.

The children were then broken into groups where they used the knowledge they had gained during the workshop to prepare a performance to illustrate the different themes to their peers Two groups were awarded for best performance and received prices.

Web Rangers will finalise their initial workshops on 2 June. The learners will then commence working on their campaigns, with winners announces in August.

For questions comments and more details contact:

Web Rangers Project coordinator

Phakamile Khumalo
