

Beyond 16 days…


  Is someone sending you nude pictures? Do you suspect that someone is trying to groom you? Are you being stalked on Facebook? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are not safe online. Someone might be violating your rights! Really? What harm [...]

Beyond 16 days…2018-11-27T14:54:47+00:00

Web Rangers 2018 winners announced!


Here are the winning videos: High School Category: Lakeside Secondary School   Primary School Category: McAuley House Primary School   Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) are proud to announce Lakeside Secondary School and McAuley House Primary as the overall winners of the 2018 Web Rangers Digital Literacy Campaign [...]

Web Rangers 2018 winners announced!2018-11-27T13:44:39+00:00

Web Rangers SA kick-starts training


[envira-gallery id="728"] Web Rangers SA’s training workshops started on a high note on 12 May 2018 at McAuley House Johannesburg. The digital literacy programme implemented by Media Monitoring Africa and supported by various partners aims to empower young people to gain critical skills and knowledge around [...]

Web Rangers SA kick-starts training2018-11-27T13:16:44+00:00
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