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MMA Launches Web Rangers 2018 on Safer Internet Day!


  Celebrate Safer Internet Day with MMA, Facebook, FPB, Google and partners Media Invitation Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) and partners invite media to celebrate Safer Internet Day (SID) on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 at Facebook in Johannesburg. SID aims to, “raise awareness of emerging online issues [...]

MMA Launches Web Rangers 2018 on Safer Internet Day!2018-02-01T09:35:34+00:00

Web Rangers and Lead SA tackle abuse through Instagram!


As part of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children(25 November 2017 – 10 December 2017), Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) and Lead SA will launch a series of Instagram stories created by Web Rangers to highlight the abuse and violence faced [...]

Web Rangers and Lead SA tackle abuse through Instagram!2017-11-24T13:44:27+00:00

The campaign winners are announced!


2017 Web Rangers Award Ceremony – the campaign winners are announced! Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is proud to announce Khutlo-Tharo Secondary School and Park Senior Primary as the overall winners of the 2017 Web Rangers Digital Literacy Campaign competition in the high school and primary school categories. [...]

The campaign winners are announced!2018-06-14T10:43:33+00:00

Two Web Rangers off to the US!


Nondumiso Shange and Keenan Adams, START PACKING THOSE BAGS! YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO San Francisco! Congratulations! You have been  selected to represent the 2016 South African Web Rangers at the Google Global Summit taking place in USA, Mountain View San Francisco. You TWO have been [...]

Two Web Rangers off to the US!2018-06-14T10:44:00+00:00

Introducing Web Rangers South Africa!


To celebrate  the 2016 Safer Internet Day, MMA together with programme partners successfully launched and piloted the Web Rangers programme in South Africa, with the aim to promote online safety, digital literacy and cyber-security for 150 young people in 13 schools around Gauteng.  Web Rangers unpacked The potential of [...]

Introducing Web Rangers South Africa!2018-06-13T08:34:37+00:00
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