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Web Rangers 2020 has officially kick started!


Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), together with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), Google, Facebook, the Film Publication Board (FPB), MTN and Diana Schwarz Attorneys hosted their first Open Day webinar to officially launch their 2020. Web Rangers Programme. The webinar took place on 4th September 2020. [...]

Web Rangers 2020 has officially kick started!2020-09-07T05:53:04+00:00

Web Rangers SA 2020!!


Dear 2020 Web Ranger MMA, Facebook, Google SA, Film and Publication Board (FPB), MTN, DTPS and Diana Schwarz Attorneys are excited to offer you a spot in the 2020 Web Rangers Programme.Before you register, please read the following terms and conditions that will help you figure [...]

Web Rangers SA 2020!!2020-08-04T09:36:57+00:00

Child Protection Week 2020!


To commemorate National Child Protection Week, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), together with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), Google, Facebook, the Film Publication Board (FPB), Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), MTN and Diana Schwarz Attorneys hosted their first webinar together with Web Rangers, under the [...]

Child Protection Week 2020!2020-06-02T06:50:55+00:00

Invite: Web Rangers hold the powerful to account on child online safety!


With COVID-19 regulations enforcing physical distancing and limited activity outside our homes - children are turning to social media for both online schooling and play, and oftentimes without the necessary digital literacy skills to successfully navigate the internet. Join us during Child Protection Week as Web [...]

Invite: Web Rangers hold the powerful to account on child online safety!2020-05-28T10:28:34+00:00

The 2020 Web Rangers programme!


The 2020 Web Rangers programme started with the successful launch of the 2020 Web Rangers Programme, on Safer Internet Day (SID), 11 February 2020. The programme was launched in Rustenburg, bringing together civil society, children, educators, government and the private sector to promote online safety and [...]

The 2020 Web Rangers programme!2020-03-27T13:13:59+00:00

Web Ranger 2019 activities


Reflections from the coordinator: We started this incredible journey with the first set of Web Rangers in July 2016. It was all new to us as partners but also first if its kind for many of the young people we recruited.  Together we had big plans [...]

Web Ranger 2019 activities2020-02-26T12:17:28+00:00

Web Rangers protecting children online


To commemorate National Child Protection Week, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA), together with Department of Telecommunication and Postal Services (DTPS), Google, Facebook, the Film Publication Board (FPB), Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), MTN and Diana Schwarz Attorneys hosted their first ever breakfast roundtable with Web Rangers, [...]

Web Rangers protecting children online2019-05-28T13:10:46+00:00

Pinky Kekana at Web Rangers: Equip children with digital literacy skills


16 September 2018, The South African For the last three years, Media Monitoring Africa has been running the programme with the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, the Film and Publications Board, Google, Facebook, and MTN. Read the full article.

Pinky Kekana at Web Rangers: Equip children with digital literacy skills2018-11-27T14:57:38+00:00

2018 Web Rangers Activities


2018 Web Rangers Activities: During the month of May 2018 – June 2018, 195 young people (aged 12 – 17 years old) from Gauteng (162) and Western Cape (33) started their exciting journey into digital literacy and digital activism, by attending workshops where they learned about [...]

2018 Web Rangers Activities2018-09-03T14:25:32+00:00
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